2008年8月25日 星期一

Be Over

I don't understand why..
I know this somthing i gotta to do...
That don't mean i wan to do...

What i'm trying to say is that I-Love-You..
I feel like this is coming to an end..
And it's better for me to let it go now...
Think it's best we go our separate ways...
Tell me why i should stay in this relationship?
Hate the thounght of you being with someone else,
but i know that it's over..

I know i made a mistake......now it's too late...
I know she ain't comin back.........What i gotta do now?
Someone telling me that i ned to move on...
I wanna break down and cry...
So many days so many hours...

Im still waiting till u return..I know u won't back again..
Our love has been Over..End
